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March 2025

31 Essay Contest Submissions from ACPS Students

RGA Black History Month Essay Contest Winners Discuss “The Success of African American Entrepreneurs”

The Russell Grove Association sponsored its fourth Black History Month Essay contest to honor the achievements of African Americans.  This year’s theme was “The Success of African American Entrepreneurs,“ and thirty-one submissions were received from students in Amelia County Public School’s (elementary, middle and high).  The contest provided a wonderful opportunity for students to learn more about how African Americans were able to start and grow successful businesses despite the challenges of funding due to bias, and systemic barriers. The students explored the historical contributions of Annie Malone, Madame C.J. Walker (Sarah Breedlove), Benjamin Montgomery, Maggie L. Walker, Oprah Winfrey and Shonda Rhimes. All of the winning essays are here on the website under the Black History Contest Winners tab. 

Congratulations to the following winners! For the first time an Elementary student participated, and Kaylee Kates received 3rd place. The Middle school essay winners are: Brook Johnson 1st Place, Cayden Duffey - 2nd Place, and both Sakhara Spurlock and Trinity Winston received 3rd place. Our High school winners were Cassidy Jackson - 1st place, Alexis Henderson – 2nd place and Kiera Royal received 3rd place.  Each winner received a monetary award for their participation.

The Association and Education Committee chair, Dr. Ernestine Scott, would like to thank all of the students who participated, teachers, principals, central office administrators, as well as the judges, for making this year’s contest a huge success. 

November 2024

RGA Museum Exhibit Honors African American Veterans


On Sunday afternoon, November 10th, RGA welcomed nearly 50 guests to a Veterans Day exhibit honoring more than 90 African American men and women who served in the armed forces. The photographs spanned 60 years and featured individuals such as Henry Edward Foster and Perkins Lee Hall, World War I veterans, and Walter Patrick, a sailor who served on a Navy submarine during World War II, along with many others who served in the Korean War, Vietnam, and other military conflicts.


The exhibit included an arrangement of flags representing each branch of the military, positioned alongside the American flag. Guests were also invited to view a video titled "African Americans in the Military: A Legacy of Service," which further honored the contributions and sacrifices of veterans from the Russell Grove community.


Throughout the two-hour event, conversations about the soldiers' stories and experiences filled the air, accompanied by museum tours and refreshments. 

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August 2024


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Image 1: NAACP youth hostesses posed with RGA president. (L-R) Rikiya Perry, Sakhara
Spurlock, Kiera Royal, Cassidy Jackson, Sylvia Hicks and Imani Perry.  
Image 2: 95-year old MaryAnn Hawkes (r), accompanied by April Hawkes, enjoyed the banquet,
and even had a short dance with her walker.

       After a four year hiatus, RGA hosted a reunion on Saturday, August 31st at The Venue at Flat Rock in Powhatan. The reunion celebrated the rich history of the all black high school which was open from 1937 to 1969. During the Roll Call of Classes, attendees who attended Russell Grove schools were recognized, including MaryAnn Hawkes representing the Class of 1947, others who attended RGHS but graduated from Amelia County HS after 1970. There were many legacy attendees representing ACHS. Representing even a younger audience were several NAACP youth hostesses.

       RGA President Sylvia Hicks gave greetings and thanked the committee, chaired by Sherry Spurlock, for planning such a wonderful event, and thanked others for generous scholarship donations. This year, RGA awarded four $1,000 scholarships to deserving local students.  The nearly 75 attendees enjoyed a delicious meal, great music and fellowship. 

September 2024

2025-2026 Officers

At the September 2024 meeting of the Russell Grove Association most officers were re-elected for the 2025-2026 term:  President, Sylvia Hicks; Secretary, Vice-President, Patrice Jackson; Nancy B. Walters, PhD., Treasurer, Brenda Johnson; Chaplain, Phyllis Wilkerson Brown; Assistant Secretary, Viola Hicks; and Historian, Chris Archer. 

June 2024

Juneteenth Festival Continues to Celebrate Amelia Rich                African-American History and Culture

On Saturday, June 15th (11 AM - 5 PM), the Russell Grove Association (RGA) held its third Juneteenth Festival on the grounds of the former black high school.    “The festival theme this year “Educate, Celebrate, Community” reflects the Association’s desire to celebrate the rich history of Amelia’s African Americans with the community,” says Jan Medley, Juneteenth 2024 Chairperson. “We want each visitor to enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of the festival and leave with an appreciation of our shared history.”
       Juneteenth commemorates the moment when the news of emancipation finally reached those in the deepest parts of the country, two years after the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. It is allso known as Freedom Day for African Americans.
       Guest Mistress of Ceremonies, Rev. Hattie Thompkins, pastor of Restoration Baptist Church, led visitors through the fun-filled day of activities for the whole family. The festival include nearly 40
food and craft vendors, music and entertainment. The entertainment featured soul and pop music from Sud ‘n Change Band from Petersburg, VA, gospel music by The Faithful Gospel Singers with Herbert Butler, and DJ Kemel Patton will return with line dancing. 

June 30, 2022

Juneteenth 2022 article from Amelia Bulletin Monitor ... under construction

June 7, 2021

RGA President Inducted into ACHS Hall of Fame

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Congratulations 2021 Hall of Fame Inductee!

RGA president, Frank Tyler, received the Amelia County High School Hall of Fame award at Monday night's ACPS School Board meeting.  The ACHS Hall of Fame Committee also presented Rev. Dr. Eddie Giles the same honor posthumously. For more details read Tyler's Nomination Form 

January 2020

Mary Harris Named New Director, Barley Resigns 

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At the January's meeting, Mary Logan Harris was voted in as the newest member of the RGA Board of Directors. Harris, the first female to serve on the board, is a member of the RG class of 1969.  Ben Barley, who has served on the board for a long time, tendered his resignation to give others an opportunity to serve.  Harris joins current Board Members Herbert Hicks, William Griffin and Chris Archer.  Anyone interested in joining the 5-member board should contact president Frank Tyler.

August 31, 2019

 Reunion 2019: 

    Co-Hosted by RG '69, "Final Glory"

Reunion Co-Chairs
Youth hostesses
Registration team
Down the Soul Train line
Dancing the night away
Clarke's having a good time
Scott's arriving
Booker, Gertie Tillerson & "Cheese"
Tyrone Anderson & Wingo family
Mills and Wingo
Angeline Wingo and friends
Mr. & Mrs. Elijah Taylor
"Sisters (L. Harris & M. Jasper)
The Griffin's and "James Brown"
Just Friends Band
old acquaintances
RG '69 classmates
Class of '70 classmates

Sept. 1, 2018

   Reunion 2018, Co-Hosted by RG '68

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We still need your images from Reunion 2018, hosted by the Class of 1968.  Please share the pictures you took with family, friends and classmates.  Send them to  

Sept. 2, 2017

Reunion 2017 Photos, Co-Host RG '67

Click picture to see all or advance side arrows.

Sept. 3, 2016

Reunion 2016 Sights and Sounds

Class of 1966

Nearly 30 classmates attended and co-hosted this year's reunion program.

Classmates and friends dance down the Soul Train Line.


Scholarship recipients share experiences with high school students

     RGA Cookout Celebrates 2016 Winners

On Saturday, June 4th, RGA hosted a cookout at Amelia County Fairgrounds, with approximately 50 people in attendance.  Alumni, high school students and current and former RGA scholarship recipients were present.  Kenston Wise was the only 2016 scholarship recipient who attended.  HS students received a gift bag which included $10 and the former scholarship recipients were given a $25 AMEX gift card.  The college students in attendance, Jasmyn Perkinson, Demetria Jones and Tyesn Barley shared comments about their college experience.


Middle school guidance counselor Marsha Rutledge provided some comments to let parents know how important applying for scholarships are and to encourage students to start early and apply for as many as they might qualify for.  Mr. Allen Vernon,  ACPS Director of Operations, attended and provided information about the "free" JTCC college opportunity for Amelia County HS students.


Archers' Catering catered the event and did a wonderful job. 


Reunion 2015 Highlights and Photos


RGA Holds First Community Cookout


RGA Minutes Available RGA members

RGA Minutes Available RGA members who wish to receive minutes of the monthly meetings should forward a valid email address to to be placed on the electronic distribution list. Others may request by letter to: RGA Minutes, P.O. Box 213, Amelia, VA 23002


Henry L. Swann was the last surviving member of the first Russell Grove graduating class in 1937. The 22-member class consisted of 10 boys and 12 girls. Swann was recently honored by the Association with a academic scholarship named in his honor.  

Last survivor of RG '37 dies at 101

Henry L. Swann


New RGA Officers Installed

(L-R)  Frank B. Tyler, Jr., president; Ben Barley, vice-president; Sylvia Hicks, secretary; Elaine Beard, assistant secretary; Brenda Johnson, treasurer and Phyllis Brown, chaplain. Out-going president, Henry L. Featherston sworn in the new officers. 

Article to follow. 

Aug. 29  - Aug. 30. 2014 - Sheraton Park South Hotel - Richmond, VA

2014 Reunion Photo Highlights 

Henry Swann Remembers Russell Grove

Click to Listen


Dr. LaTisha Murray Speaks at 26th Annual Reunion Weekend


2002 Amelia County High School graduate, LaTisha Murray shares her story of committment, hardwork and faith as the pillars to achieving her dreams of becoming a doctor.

Dr. Murray spent her undergraduate years in Boston and was happy to land her residency near home, St. Francis Hospital.


Resume and Interviewing Workshops Offered Teens


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                      newsletter archives

May 2022

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Click newsletter above to read all

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